Spanish Golden Age Dance Booked out! Der Kurs wird in englischer Sprache gehalten! Program: Introduction of some basic Spanish Golden Age dance steps Practice of various choreographic variations of Jácara and Chacona practice and use of castagnettes for our variations This workshop presents the Spanish baroque dance style. We will learn the basic steps and some variations of Jácara (sister of the Sarabande) and La Chacona. It is addressed to students of different levels. For those who already have some experience, the workshop is a continuation of the practice and an opportunity to get deeper into the style. Those who never tried this style are also welcome. Students who play castanets or who would like to learn are invited to bring their own. Ana Yepes teaches Spanish baroque dance according to the Spanish treatises by Esquivel Navarro, Discursos sobre el Arte del Danzado, Sevilla 1642, by Juan Antonio Jaque, El libro de danzar, XVII century, Francesc Olivelles, Domingo Gonzalez, Escuela por lo bajo (XVIIème), Novelli, Choregraphie, 1708, and by Pablo Minguet, Explicación del danzar a la española, Madrid, 1737.Her work on technique and interpretation, as well as the warm-up she proposes are also essential elements of her teaching. Date/Termin: 26th - 27th May 2018 Times/Kurszeiten: Saturday/Samstag 10:00-12:30 und 13:30-15:00, for advanced additionally 15:30 - 17:30 Sunday/Sonntag 9:30-12:00 und 13:00-14:30, for advanced additionally 15:00 - 17:00 Fee/Preise: workshop basic level (8 hours)110,00 € workshop advanced level (12 hours)160,00 € Inscriptions before March 15th/Frühbucherpreis bis zum 15. März: workshop basic level (8 hours) 90,00 € workshop advanced level (12 hours)135,00 € Studio location/Kursort: → Tanzstudio Manhardt, Neubaugasse 38, 1070 Wien Teacher/Kursleitung: → Ana Yepes Registration form/Anmeldeformular: → download reggistration form/Anmeldeformular herunterladen! The course fee will be collected in cash at the beginning of theworkshop, but please, consider your inscription as binding./Die Kursgebühr ist am Beginn des Kurses in bar zu zahlen, aber mit der Einsendung des Anmeldeformulars, ist die Anmeldung verbindlich. The number of students will be limited, admission on a first-come first serve basis./Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschränkt, es zählt die Reihenfolge der Anmeldung. |