Dances by Michel Saint-Léon ca 1830:

Der Kurs wird in englischer Sprache gehalten!

Michel Saint Léon (1777 - 1853), father of the famous dancer and choreograph Arthur Saint Léon was himself a dancer of the Académie Royale de Musique in Paris. From 1822 to 1842 he worked as the dancing master of the princesses at the royal Court of Württemberg. To this princesses he dedicated four notebooks (1829 to 1836). In this notebooks he described exercises for the dance training, choreographies for the theatre, and social dances.

Michel Saint Léon composed many dances for his pupils, such as:
Allemande composée pour les 3 Princesses,
Mazourka composée par St Léon,
Boléros composé par St Léon,
Cracovia par St Léon,
Tirolienne composée pour S. A. R la P. Catherine,
Guarachia danse espagnole ou nouvelle Cachucha composée pour la Princesse Auguste,
Kosaque  composée pour S. A .R la princesse Auguste…

In this workshop we will get to know and practice some of his choregraphies, their steps, some of them already hinting at the romantic style.

The workshop is suited for advanced amateur dancers and dance pedagogues who want to dive into this elegant dancing style that fits in between the baroque and romanticism.

IRÈNE FESTE: After her graduation in classical ballet Irène Feste since 2006 dedicated herself to studying the different historical dance periods. Together with P.-F. Dollé she founded Cie Fantaisies Baroque in 2007 and worked for them as a choreographer. With Cie Fantaisies Baroque she also did pedagogic projekts at schools and conservatories. She got international acclaim for appearences with dance ensembles such as Les Corps Eloquents, Divertimenty, Le Baroque Nomade, La Tempesta, Doulce Mémoire. She is also a sought after dance lecturere and teacher for amateurs and professionals.
2014 and 2016 she received a scholarship of the “Centre National de la Danse” for studying the development of social dance from 1811 to 1823 on the basis of the books of J.H. Gourdoux-Daux and the connection between dance training and the theatrical element in the choreographies of Michel St.-Léon, 1829 - 1836.

Date/Termin:   22nd - 23rd June 2019

  Saturday/Samstag and Sunday/Sonntag: 10,00am – 12,30pm and 1,30pm - 4,00pm / 10:00 - 12:30 und 13:30 - 16:00


Inscriptions by paying the fee before May 6th 2019 / Frühbucherpreis bei Einzahlung bis zum 6. Mai 2019   (10 hours)105 € (zeitenTANZ-Mitglieder: 90 €)

Inscription by paying the fee till June 17th 2019: / Anmeldung mit Einzahlung bis zum 17. Juni 2019    (10 hours) 115 € (zeitenTANZ-Mitglieder: 100 €)

Later inscriptions/payment only possible after contacting us./ Spätere Anmeldungen/Einzahlungen sind nur nach Rücksprache möglich, dann aber unbedingt den Zahlungsbeleg zur Veranstaltung mitbringen.

Studio location/Kursort:    → Tanzstudio Manhardt, Neubaugasse 38, 1070 Wien

Teacher/Kursleitung:  → Irène Feste

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This workshop also takes place in :
MÜNCHEN: 27. - 28.4.2019 and HAMBURG: 19. - 20.10.2019

The workshops there are organized by DANCE & HISTORY e.V.. For more information on this alternate dates take a look at   →